After very little publicity this film has hidden under the radar. An innovative look at Vlad The Impaler (portrayed by Luke Evans), and his desperation to save his people and family; driving him to the darkness of the vampire. This film is a gothic reinvention mixed with a historical background - however the validity the films historical context is questionable. The film itself looks to be a great interpretation of Dracula looking for 'sympathy for the devil' which this two minute clip has easily managed. With the current gothic trend being dark characters and their pure intentions before corruption, this film is set to make us question everything literature, history and society told us about Dracula.
Finally a Dracula adaptation that involves, war, family, honour and of course supernatural elements; enriching mythology of the vampire and Dracula himself. This film could be set to be a huge blockbuster and success- providing it delivers. This type of adaptation has never been done before and I am very eager to see just how well the film does at the box office, however all we can do is wait!
Dracula Untold will be released in cinemas October 2014, due to delays.
Music by Lorde: Everybody wants to rule the World.
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