
Will Bonnie go Bad or Bad-Ass?

Throughout the six seasons of The Vampire Diaries we have seen a lot of our beloved characters go through some really terrible traumatic events, but of all the victims in Mystic Falls Bonnie Bennett had to be the most afflicted. Somehow, Bonnie always seems to be coming of the worst and it usually ends in her death... Again.

From offering as a bargaining chip for another life, to having it took from her by the laws of the universe, Bonnie Bennet's stream of bad luck didn't end there. At the end of season five we thought we were saying a tearful goodbye to the witch as she was claimed by an over powering light. But oh no. Bonnie, actually die? No, of course not. Instead she was subject to torture and became the play thing of a psychopathic witchy-wanna be from the Gemini coven. Although born a witch Kai the psycho guy, could not wield his own magic and had to harvest magic from another source- and who else was better than good old Bonnie.

Hoever more recently we seen her return to Mystic Falls, and good old loving Bonnie just doesn't seem the same. And her calm collective personality has been shown to crack! The psychological scars of her time in the 1994 prison world has shown to have caused serious damage to her. Bonnie was always known for her moral attitudes, actions and beliefs and as much as I hate to admit often a little bit of a martyr. But that isn't the case anymore. As we seen recently Bonnie stabbed Kai Parker, her tormenter and torturer, several times and left him to bleed out in 1904 and second prison world created by the Gemini Coven. Although many may believe that Kai deserved this betrayal, we recently seen him gain human empathy and emotions and actually seek out penance for his actions prior to absorbing elements of Luke's personality- again I do not want to talk about that, I wasn't okay with how that went down...

Wit Kai trying always for forgiveness since gaining these emotions Bonnie was not phased by this change in him and sought only revenge. She could not give him her forgiveness and left him to die in 1904. Little does Bonnie know that Kai found his way to the vampiric family of Lily Salvatore left behind in the 1904 prison world, whom we have just found are VAMPIRE WITCHES.

Like Kai, unable to use magic without a source, now as vampires they have an unlimited source of power by channeling themselves. And as we last saw Kai was being, for lack of a better word, 'eaten' by them. I'm presuming, as the seasons almost big bad, that Kai will become vampiric and seek revenge on the morally ambiguous Bonnie Bennet. But hey, if not, she's still going to have to deal with a group of super-vampires.

Having seen this darker part of Bonnie it is possible that if her psychologic issues are not established and treat her mental state may decline and her actions may cascade from this point on. And using stabbing someone to death as a starting point, it could get pretty nasty, pretty quickly. Leaving Kai showed us the moral battle raging within Bonnie and that ultimately the darker part of her psyche won. Seasons ago we seen bonnie using dark magic and slowly becoming a dark character- could this be coming full circle?

Putting herself at ease believing that Kai is forever imprisoned in the 1904 prison world Bonnie has murdered a potentially innocent being- now that Kai has emotions he may not have done such actions if he had them to begin with. However now Bonnie will either become a one track mind in regards to what is right and what is wrong or snowball into a revenge seeking Uber-Witch. With the season focusing on just how psychologically tormenting her experience has been I firmly believe that Bonnie Bennet will no longer be the girl we've known and loved for six seasons but a violent and powerful being fuelled from her pain.

I just hope she gets through it.

But if Kai does come back, or at least when the outcasts of the Gemini coven do, I think this new Bonnie could defiantly give them a run for their money. I suppose we will just have to wait and find out!

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