Cordelia Chase, portrayed by Charisma Carpenter, is a fictional character from the Buffyverse. Cordillera was introduced as the typical 'mean girl' in the very first episode, and transformed into a pivotal character for the first three seasons, before taking her trademarked witt to the Buffy spin off Angel for another four seasons. Over her time in the Buffyverse Cordillia won the hearts of fans and critics alike, and here are some reasons why we just couldn't get enough...
1) Witty one-liners
Cordellia Chase was introduced to us as the typical mean girl, the queen bee of Sunnydale high. Josh Whedon, the show's creator/producer, saw the opportunity to exaggerate this role in a comical manner, providing a harsh contrast to the matriarchal loner of Buffy Summers. As the seasons progressd so did Cordillia, although never losing her witty attitude, she evolved into the heroic half demon who made a lasting impression on the Buffyverse.
"What is your childhood trauma?"
"Oh he's a vampire of course! But the cuddly kind, like a Care Bear with fangs!"
"Again I strike a nerve. I am the surgeon of mean!"
"We have an exciting new case, could be aliens could be adultery. It's a corker!"
"Let me tell you if Julia Roberts ever makes a realistic movie about being an escort it should be called Pretty Skanky Woman"
Throughout the years we have seen Cordy date an odd array of characters from the dorky Xander Harris, an uptight watcher Wesley Wyndham-Price to the Grusalog. Let's break down her romantic highs and lows:
"Oh he's a vampire of course! But the cuddly kind, like a Care Bear with fangs!"
"Again I strike a nerve. I am the surgeon of mean!"
"We have an exciting new case, could be aliens could be adultery. It's a corker!"
"Let me tell you if Julia Roberts ever makes a realistic movie about being an escort it should be called Pretty Skanky Woman"
2) Her Luck with Love (Or Lack of it)
Throughout the years we have seen Cordy date an odd array of characters from the dorky Xander Harris, an uptight watcher Wesley Wyndham-Price to the Grusalog. Let's break down her romantic highs and lows:
- Beginning with Xander Harris, Cordelia let go of her schemes of 'dorks' and found comfort in Xander (however this ended badly after Xander was found cheating with best friend Willow Rosenberg).
- Moving onto to Wesley Wyndham-Price, we see the impressionable Cordy fall for a sterotypical British watcher only to realise that simply wouldn't work out.
- Cordelia then went on to meet the quirky and loveable half-demon, Doyle. With an Irish charm and love for Cordelia, his untimely death was tragic and not without meaning. Due to his affection for Cordelia he left her the greatest gift and burdon he could. His visions.
- Whilst struggling with her visions, Cordy met her 'destined' counter part the Groosalugg in the dimension known as Pylea (the eccentric, 'good demon' Lorne's home dimension).
-Leaving Pylea and the Groosalugg behind due to dimensional differences, the Groosalugg often popped up again however the two were simply not meant to be (contrary to the prophecys of Pylea).
-We then move to Angel. After building on a relationship for 7 years Cordelia and Angel finally realised their feelings for one and other. However divine intervention soon put a stop to that.
-We then move to Angel. After building on a relationship for 7 years Cordelia and Angel finally realised their feelings for one and other. However divine intervention soon put a stop to that.
- Leading us on to Connor (Angel and Darla's son). This was the time Cordelia became the 'big bad' of the season, explaining why she would seek comfort in Angel's son. However this relationship did not last, due to the birth of her demonic daughter which resulted in Cordelia slipping into a coma, of which she does not awake, sadly departing the Buffyverse.
3) Her demonic side
Having been burdened with the gift of visions from the Powers that be (PTB) this had a detrimental affect on human Cordelia. Ultimately leading to Cordelia having to become part demon to sustain her gift. Cordilia's final acceptance of this burden allowed her to break away from social conventions and stereotypes that she was once accustomed to, and become a leader in Team Angel, with the mission to 'help the helpless'. Her journey from episode one to this moment allowed us to see another side of Cordelia, letting down her vain front and allowing Cordy to come into her own and establish herself as a key player within the Buffyverse.
4) Cordelia Chase's Fashion Sense
As Queen Bee of The Buffyverse Cordy was renowned, not only her looks, but also her fashion sense. Constantly looking like she sprang off a catwalk, this gave teenage girls a 'go to guide' on how to look great. This theme is carried throughout her time on both shows- showing young females that you can still look and feel good without feeling the need to be a mean girl. Charisma Carpenter, in my opinion, really did influence young women of the Buffyverse generation.
The fifth and final reason is simple, yet it is the most crucial on this list. In my view, Charisma Carpenter is the only person able to project the complex character that is Cordelia Chase, allowing us to truly empathise with her and love her as a stand alone character. The talent of this actress was truly amazing and assisted in the flourishing of the spinoff television series, Angel. Although many of us followed the show from Buffy, Carpenter's performance as Cordy provided an new perspective of the true Cordelia Chase. For that we thank you Charisma!
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