This morning a LEGO representative came upto me on campus to fill in a short questionnaire on the new Adult Range of LEGO Watches. Who knew LEGO were branching out in that direction? I defiantly didn't. So it got me thinking: What else do LEGO do? And that's when I found LEGO 'ideas'.
LEGO ideas is a page setup for fans of LEGO to suggest their ideas for a new collection of LEGO. The fan must post their proposition and find enough support from fellow LEGO fans to contemplate the production of this product. On this site I found the mother of all 'ideas'... THE X MANSION (or The Xavier Institute). And it looks epic! A huge doll like replica build entirely with LEGO. It's genius. This image (and others that follow) are taken from the LEGO 'ideas' page. So this really is what these guys are fighting for: An extensive LEGO mansion that offers all of the famous and iconic parts of the mansion, from The Danger Room, to Proffessor Xavier's office, to school teaching rooms. This proposition is epic!
But it must be reminded that the project needs to reach a minimum of 10, 000 supporters. At this moment in time it has reached 9067. So it's pretty close. But that's why we need your help. Everyone's help. This truly could be the collectors item of collectors items, or at very least the coolest item LEGO have ever launched. But without the much needed support this idea will simply remain that: an idea. All you need to do is follow the link posted at the bottom of this page, create an account (don't worry it only takes two minutes), veryify the account through the instantaneous email LEGO will send you and click support. The person behind this amazing idea is so close to it being pitched at LEGO, so let's help the 'geek' community out (and me, I so badly want one of these) and click subscribe.
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