
All Hail 'The Queen'

Throughout this season of Arrow we have been shown the beautiful Isabel Rochev. Strong, independent and educated Isabel has now taken over the company Queen Consolodated much to our shock! The villainess ironically aims to raise the company from it's failing state by becoming its latest CEO, not only for the pay-rise but for the reputation of the deceased Robert Queen. The supposed love of her life. 

But this should not have been such a surprise as the Isabel Rochev, has been shown before in exactly the same way. Born in Serbia and catching the eye of CEO Robert Queen (Queen Consolodated), Isabel wanted more from life. Falling in love with our beloved heros father, she believed they were each others 'soul-mates' and destined to be together. The validity of this statement is unknown, however in the DC comics universe 'The Queen', as she is known  believes herself to be the true air of Queen Consolodated, having dedicated her life to breaking away from the class system to which she was enslaved, to rise from rags to riches educating herself to deserve the role and title of 'The Queen' of not only Robert Queen's life but his corporation too. 

In the comics we cannot be sure as to which motives and claims are true, but within the 'Arrow' universe we can presume there is more to this story than we know as of yet. Why? Because the go-getting, rank-rising business women's name was written in the book Robert Queen left his son in season 1. The book used as 'The Hood's hit list'.

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